Aphasia WorksheetsCategory sorting tasks for people with aphasia The task of connecting pictures of the same category with lines (20sheets)Task to connect pictures in the same category ... 2024.08.26Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsCategory classification writing task with text hints ( uppercase letter ) 22sheets Category classification writing task with text hints ( uppercase letter ) 2024.06.10Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsTask to connect photos or names in the same category with a line ( uppercase letter ) 22sheets Task to connect photos or names in the same category with a line ( uppercase letter ) 22sheets 2024.05.30Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsCategory classification writing task ( 22sheets ) Category classification writing task ( 22sheets ) 2024.06.03Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsTask to connect pictures in the same category or names in the same category with lines ( 22sheets ) Task to connect pictures in the same category or names in the same category with lines ( 22sheets ) 2024.05.20Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsThe task of connecting pictures of the same category with lines (20sheets) The task of connecting pictures of the same category with lines (20sheets) 2024.04.11Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsTask to connect photos or names in the same category with a line ( 22sheets ) Task to connect photos or names in the same category with a line ( 22sheets ) 2024.05.27Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsCategory classification selective writing task ( uppercase letter ) 22sheets Category classification selective writing task ( uppercase letter ) 22sheets 2024.06.17Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsTask to connect pictures in the same category or names in the same category with lines ( uppercase letters ) 22sheets Task to connect pictures in the same category or names in the same category with lines ( uppercase letters) 22sheets 2024.05.23Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsCategory classification writing task with text hints ( 22sheets ) Category classification writing task with text hintsCategory classification writing task with text hints ( 22sheets ) 2024.06.06Aphasia Worksheets
Aphasia WorksheetsCategory classification selective writing task ( 22sheets ) Category classification selective writing task ( 22sheets ) 2024.06.13Aphasia Worksheets