Memory Worksheets

Task to memorize the numbers in the squares and the location of the numbers and write them in the blank squares 7 (20 sheets)

Task to memorize the numbers in the squares and the location of the numbers and write them in the blank squares 7 (20 sh...
Attention Worksheets

Task to draw a vertical line in the middle of a horizontal line (10 sheets)

Task to draw a vertical line in the middle of a horizontal line
Attention Worksheets

Symbol Digit Modalities Task 6 (10 sheets)

Symbol Digit Modality Task 6
Attention Worksheets

Digit Cancellation Task Target 1 10×20 (20 sheets)

Digit Cancellation Task Target 1
Attention Worksheets

Tapping span task 7 digits (10 sheets)

Tapping span task 7 digits (10 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

4-Digit Span Task Backward (5 sheets)

4-Digit Span Task Backward
Attention Worksheets

Task to transcribe the symbol on the left side to the right side (20 sheets)

Task to transcribe the symbol on the left side to the right side
Attention Worksheets

Digit Cancellation Dual Task 10×10 (20 sheets)

Digit Cancellation Dual Task 10×10
Aphasia Worksheets

Category classification selective writing task ( uppercase letter ) 22sheets

Category classification selective writing task ( uppercase letter ) 22sheets
Aphasia Worksheets

Task to write the name of the picture

task to trace and copy the name of a picture (20sheets)Task to trace and copy the name of a picture ( uppercase )Task to...
Attention Worksheets

Rock-Paper-Scissors Task1 (20sheets)

Rock-Paper-Scissors Task1 (20sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Symbol coloring task target 1 Random (10 sheets)

Symbol coloring task target 1 Random