Attention Worksheets

Attention Worksheets

Symbol Cancellation Dual Task 10×10 (20 sheets)

Symbol Cancellation Dual Task 10×10
Attention Worksheets

Numbers Mental Rotation Target 1 (20 sheets)

Numbers Mental Rotation Target 1
Attention Worksheets

The task of erasing letters without being confused by colors 10×5 (20sheets)

The task of erasing letters without being confused by colors 10×5 (20sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Auditory detection task S-X (30 sheets)

Auditory detection task S-X (30 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Dot to dot of the alphabet A-O (10 sheets)

Dot to dot of the alphabet A-O
Attention Worksheets

Mixed Case Cancellation Task

Mixed Case Cancellation Task Target 1 10×10 (20sheets)Mixed Case Cancellation Task Target 2 10×10 (20sheets)Mixed Case C...
Attention Worksheets

The task to write the inequality 10×5 (20 sheets)

The task to write the inequality 10×5 (20 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

A task to write a circle for the numbers 1 to 4 and a cross for the numbers 5 to 9

A task to write a circle for the numbers 1 to 4 and a cross for the numbers 5 to 9 5×5 (20 sheets)A task to write a circ...
Attention Worksheets

Auditory detection task “drink” (20 sheets)

Auditory detection task “drink” (20 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Same Symbols Dot to Dot

Same Symbols Dot to Dot 5 (10 sheets)Same Symbols Dot to Dot 10 (10 sheets)Same Numbers Dot to Dot 15 (20 sheets)Same Nu...
Attention Worksheets

Calculation tasks involving a mixture of addition, subtraction, and multiplication

Calculation tasks involving a mixture of addition, subtraction, and multiplication ver1 (20 sheets)Calculation tasks inv...
Attention Worksheets

Trail Making Task B 1-8 (10 sheets)

Trail Making Task B 1-8
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