Attention Worksheets

Attention Worksheets

Symbol Cancellation Task Target 1 10×20 (20 sheets)

Symbol Cancellation Task Target 1 10×20
Attention Worksheets

Task to connect the same symbol with a line 10 (10 Sheets)

Task to connect the same symbol with a line 10
Attention Worksheets

Dot to dot of the alphabet

Dot to dot of the alphabet A-E (10 sheets) Dot to dot of the alphabet A-J (10 sheets) Dot to dot of the alphabet A-O (10...
Attention Worksheets

Dot to dot of the alphabet ramdom A-E (10 sheets)

Attention Worksheets

A task to write a circle for the numbers 1 to 4 and a cross for the numbers 5 to 9 20×20 (20 sheets)

A task to write a circle for the numbers 1 to 4 and a cross for the numbers 5 to 9 20×20
Attention Worksheets

Auditory detection task “insect” (20 sheets)

Auditory detection task “insect” (20 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Attention switching task comparing left and right numbers 5×5 (20 sheets)

Attention switching task comparing left and right numbers 5×5 (20 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Same Symbols Dot to Dot 10 (10 sheets)

Same Symbols Dot to Dot 10
Attention Worksheets

Classification task

Numbers classification task (10 sheets) Symbols classification task (10 sheets) Alphabets classification task (10 sheets...
Attention Worksheets

Calculation tasks involving a mixture of addition, subtraction, and multiplication

Calculation tasks involving a mixture of addition, subtraction, and multiplication ver1 (20 sheets) Calculation tasks in...
Attention Worksheets

Large-Small Symbol Cancellation Task 2 10×10 (20 sheets)

Large-Small Symbol Cancellation Task 2
Attention Worksheets

Trail Making Task B 1-E (10 sheets)

Trail Making Task B 1-E