Attention WorksheetsTapping span task 8 digits (10 sheets) Tapping span task 8 digits (10 sheets) 2023.03.16Attention WorksheetsMemory Worksheets
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Attention WorksheetsThe task of finding mistakes in the left and right symbols. 5×10 (10 sheets) The task of finding mistakes in the left and right symbols. 5×10 2022.06.08Attention WorksheetsUnilateral spatial neglectVisuospatial Cognition Worksheets
Attention WorksheetsSymbol Cancellation Task Target 1 10×20 (20 sheets) Symbol Cancellation Task Target 1 10×20 2022.04.26Attention Worksheets
Attention Worksheets7-Digit Span Task Backward (5 sheets) 7-Digit Span Task Backward 2022.03.17Attention WorksheetsMemory Worksheets
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