Attention Worksheets

Attention Worksheets

Continuous calculation task ( subtraction to addition) 1

Continuous calculation task ( subtraction to addition) 1
Attention Worksheets

Symbol Digit Modalities Task 3 (10 sheets)

Symbol Digit Modality Task 3
Attention Worksheets

A Task to check colors without being confused by color names

A Task to check colors without being confused by color names 5×5 (20sheets)A Task to check colors without being confused...
Attention Worksheets

Task to connect the same symbol with a line 10 (10 Sheets)

Task to connect the same symbol with a line 10
Attention Worksheets

The task to write the inequality 20×10 (20 sheets)

The task to write the inequality 20×10 (20 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Number Cancellation Task (1-3→〇, 4-6→×, 7-9→△) 10×10 (20 sheets)

Number Cancellation Task (1-3→〇, 4-6→×, 7-9→△) 10×10 (20 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Same Numbers Dot to Dot 5 (20 sheets)

Same Numbers Dot to Dot 5
Attention Worksheets

Line Crossing Task 40 (10 sheets)

Line Crossing Task 40
Attention Worksheets

The task of finding the symbol with the largest numberof symbols (10 sheets)

The task of finding the symbol with the largest numberof symbols
Attention Worksheets

Continuous calculation task (addition to subtraction) 2 6sheets

Continuous calculation task (addition to subtraction) 2 6sheets
Attention Worksheets

The task to connect numbers to make 15 ( 20sheets )

The task to connect numbers to make 15 ( 20sheets )
Attention Worksheets

Odd and even color-sorting task 5×5 (20 sheets)

Odd and even color-sorting task 5×5 (20 sheets)