Attention Worksheets

Attention Worksheets

Stroop Task 10×5 (20 sheets)

Stroop Task 10×5 (20 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

A Task to check colors without being confused by color names 10×5 (20sheets)

Select A Task to check colors without being confused by color names 10×5 (20sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Rock-Paper-Scissors Task2 Lose (20sheets)

Rock-Paper-Scissors Task2 Lose (20sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Symbol Digit Modalities Task 7 (10 sheets)

Symbol Digit Modality Task 7
Attention Worksheets

Symbol Cancellation Task Target 3 10×10 (20 sheets)

Symbol Cancellation Task Target 3 10×10
Attention Worksheets

Continuous computational task

Continuous addition task (3sheets)Continuous subtraction task (2sheets)
Attention Worksheets

The task of finding a symbol that has two identical symbols in the eight frames (10 sheets)

Attention Worksheets

Calculation tasks involving a mixture of addition, subtraction, and multiplication ver3 (20 sheets)

Calculation tasks involving a mixture of addition, subtraction, and multiplication ver3
Attention Worksheets

Attention switching task comparing left and right numbers

Attention switching task comparing left and right numbers 5×5 (20 sheets)Attention switching task comparing left and rig...
Attention Worksheets

The task of finding mistakes in the left and right symbols

The task of finding mistakes in the left and right symbols. 5×10 (10 sheets)The task of finding mistakes in the left and...
Attention Worksheets

Continuous calculation task (addition to subtraction)

Continuous calculation task (addition to subtraction) 1 7sheetsContinuous calculation task (addition to subtraction) 2 6...
Attention Worksheets

Large-Small Symbol Cancellation Task

Large-Small Symbol Cancellation Task 1 10×10 (20 sheets)Large-Small Symbol Cancellation Task 2 10×10 (20 sheets)