Attention Worksheets

Attention Worksheets

Digit Span Task Backward

3-Digit Span Task Backward (5 sheets) 4-Digit Span Task Backward (5 sheets) 5-Digit Span Task Backward (5 sheets) 6-Digi...
Attention Worksheets

Task to connect the same symbol with a line 20 (10 Sheets)

Task to connect the same symbol with a line 20
Attention Worksheets

A Task to check colors without being confused by color names

A Task to check colors without being confused by color names 5×5 (20sheets) A Task to check colors without being confuse...
Attention Worksheets

Dot to dot of the alphabet A-E (10 sheets)

Dot to dot of the alphabet A-E
Attention Worksheets

Symbol Digit Modalities Task 4 (10 sheets)

Symbol Digit Modality Task 4
Attention Worksheets

Continuous computational task

Continuous addition task (3sheets) Continuous subtraction task (2sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Rock-Paper-Scissors Task1 (20sheets)

Rock-Paper-Scissors Task1 (20sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Same Symbols Dot to Dot

Same Symbols Dot to Dot 5 (10 sheets) Same Symbols Dot to Dot 10 (10 sheets) Same Numbers Dot to Dot 15 (20 sheets) Same...
Attention Worksheets

Number Cancellation Task (1-3→〇, 4-6→×, 7-9→△) 20×20 (20 sheets)

Number Cancellation Task (1-3→〇, 4-6→×, 7-9→△) 20×20 (20 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Same Symbols Dot to Dot 15 (10 sheets)

Same Symbols Dot to Dot 15
Attention Worksheets

Auditory detection task M-R (30 sheets)

Auditory detection task M-R (30 sheets)
Attention Worksheets

Calculation tasks involving a mixture of addition, subtraction, and multiplication

Calculation tasks involving a mixture of addition, subtraction, and multiplication ver1 (20 sheets) Calculation tasks in...